How I built a Digital Journal app to digitize kids' Artworks

How I built a Digital Journal app to digitize kids' Artworks

and learned so much from trying new technology 🧰!


Art generates love of learning and creativity. Kids love creating art by painting, drawing and crafting. This app was built to capture all those adroitness and create great memories for years to come!

So, before throwing away the art papers, take some photos, turn them into digital art to share, celebrate and keep the creativity on ✨

How My-art-journal was built.

Tech Stack



  • VITE is a superfast frontend tool to render React.

👥User Authorization

  • Netlify Identity: Manage and authenticate users on your site or app, without requiring them to be users of Netlify or any other service.


  • WindiCSS: fully integrated with VITE to bring faster load times and Tailwind compatibility.


  • Sanity: A futuristic CMS platform for building data driven application.


  • Netlify Build: A modern CI/CD infrastructure for frontend deployment, pre-configured and fully automated. Just connect your Code repo then push🚀.

Building it

Setting up frontend for UI build:

With VITE, initiating a development environment for React is as easy as 4 commands:

npm init vite@latest myartjournal -- --template react
cd myartjournal
npm install
npm run dev

Those lines fired up a scaffolded React App with a Vite dev server's fast ⚡


Integrated WindiCSS into VITE:

  • Install the package: npm i -D vite-plugin-windicss windicss
  • Then, install the plugin in the Vite configuration: vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import WindiCSS from 'vite-plugin-windicss';
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), WindiCSS()]
  • And finally,import virtual:windi.css in the Vite entries which is main.js

Setting up User Authorization and Identification:

I've tried other different tools so for this app, I decided to learn a new tech by diving into Netlify Identity. There are several good documentations for using Netlify Identity in various tech stacks, but the challenge for this app is some child components need to access {Signed in user} object to render avatar, id and link them to {fetched assets} from CMS.

A solution for that was injecting the useContext hook from React and a context Provider to wrap around the <App /> component.

Below is the walk-through⌨:

  • Set up Netlify Identity in the app: This actually is a very simple step. All I needed to do was login to my Netlify ➡ deploy by connect to my repo on Github NetlifyDeploy.gif then ➡ navigate to my site setting ➡ go to Identity tab ➡ click Enable Identity NIenable.jpg
  • At the frontend root: install netlify-identity-widget by running the command: npm i netlify-identity-widget. 👓Check out the this well written docs from Authenticate users with Netlify Identity

  • Create a folder named "store" in my frontend root and a new component called AppContext.jsx

  • In the AppContext component: import netlifyIdentity from 'netlify-identity-widget'; with this I can access to all the methods ("init", "open", "close", "on", "off") from Netlify Identity. Each method corresponds to a callback function and they are well documented in the docs.

  • Create a "global" context with initial props using createContext from react

    // create global context 
    export const AppContext = createContext({
    user: null,
    login: () => { },
    logout: () => { },
    authReady: false
  • Create a Context Provider to wrap around the app component:
    export const AppContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
    const [authReady, setAuthReady] = useState(false);
    useEffect(() => {
    //Calling all functions from *Netlify Identity* methods as mentioned above..
    }, []);
  • Create a context object to feed into Provider then return a wrapper component:

    const context = { user, login, logout, authReady,}
    return (
     <AppContext.Provider value={context}>

Build SVG icons ❄🌟:

The reason why I didn't use any icon font libraries (such as, Fontawesome, Ionicons, MUI-icons...) is because they are browser dependent! Icons can replace entire sentences and show an action in one single glance (e.g. the Home button🏚). A big problem with icon fonts is when they don’t display correctly. Browsers won’t be able to interpret them and end up displaying nothing or empty characters that don’t support the content at all.

So..., I built them all from scratch, using jsx syntax. With that, I can even pass props into my icons to render (size, color...) and add tooltip without any extra blocks.

I created an assets folder in src for all my jsx-Icons. Each icon component has props to pass along and only return a SVG tag.

Here is the example of the <AppLogo />

AppLogo.jpg Render different size Logos for 2 different components:

SVGprops.jpg For tooltip on the icon, it's the <title> inside the <svg> that got rendered



Building a component for User Authorization 🛡

With my AppContext up and running, building a login component using Netlify Identity becomes simple.

  • In my src, I created a folder named components and a new AuthUser.jsx inside that folder.
  • In the AuthUser.jsx, de-structure the {login} object from AppContext.
  • Built a "login" button with WindiCSS utility classes.
  • Set the button onClick to {login} function . Here is how it looks:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useContext } from 'react';
import AppContext from '../../store/AppContext';

const AuthUser = () => {

  const { user, login } = useContext(AppContext)
return (
    <div className="flex justify-start items-center flex-col h-screen ">
        <div className="absolute flex flex-col justify-center items-center top-0 right-0 left-0 bottom-0 bg-blackOverlay">
          <div className="p-5">
            <AppLogo size={250} />
          <div className="shadow-2xl ">
            <button type="button" className="py-2 px-4  bg-gray-500/50 hover:bg-indigo-700 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-indigo-200 text-white w-full transition ease-in duration-200 font-semibold shadow-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2  rounded-lg " onClick={login}>
              <LoginIcon />
export default AuthUser;
  • When login is successful, the {user} object is valid and <Home/> component is rendered following the the logic set in App.jsx
import React from 'react'
import './App.css'
import { useContext } from 'react';
import AppContext from '../store/AppContext';
import AuthUser from './components/AuthUser';
import Home from './container/Home';
const App = () => {
  const { user } = useContext(AppContext)
  return (
    user == null ? <AuthUser /> : <Home />
export default App;

Register Netlify Identity url for the app and call login function from <AuthUser /> component

  • Login to the Nelify then select the site that deployed for this project
  • Copy the API endpoint in the Identity tab


  • At the frontend root, run npm run dev. npmRunDev.gif
  • Open http://localhost:3000/ in a web browser and click the login button
  • Paste the API endpoint to the URL field then click set site URL PASTENIapiEndURL.gif

. . .

🤦‍♂️ As I was coding along, I hit a snag 🚳 ❗❗

Netlify Identity can be integrated with GoogleAuth, and others services (github, git bucket...) but the user-JSON returned from Netlify Identity does not contain an avatar url 😩, only user's fullname!

NI usermetadata.jpg My workaround was to build a user-image avatar base on the full-name pulled from Netlify Identity user_metadata.

Quite lengthy in bytes but logically, it's effective ✔ so, right in my store/AppContext.jsx, ⬇

// Convert fullname to initial
  const Initial = user?.user_metadata.full_name?.substring(0, 2); //use first2 letters only

  // ⇩ Random colors for  svg background
  const randomColor = `'%23${Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8).padEnd(6, '0')}'`;

  // Create SVG avatar with initial
  const ImgURLstring = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512' style='height:512px%3Bwidth:512px'%3E%3Cpath d='M256 23.05C127.5 23.05 23.05 127.5 23.05 256S127.5 488.9 256 488.9 488.9 384.5 488.9 256 384.5 23.05 256 23.05z' fill=${randomColor}/%3E%3Cg font-family='Arial  Helvetica  sans-serif' font-size='120' font-weight='bold' text-anchor='middle' text-decoration='rgba(255  255  255  1)'%3E%3Ctext stroke='rgba(0  0  0  1)' stroke-width='30' transform='translate(256 300)'%3E%3Ctspan x='0' y='0'%3E${Initial}%3C/tspan%3E%3C/text%3E%3Ctext fill='rgba(255  255  255  1)' transform='translate(256 300)'%3E%3Ctspan x='0' y='0'%3E${Initial}%3C/tspan%3E%3C/text%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E`

 // Google login has an avatar url ⬇. If login is not from Google, use ⬆ variable
  const userImgUrl = user?.user_metadata.avatar_url || ImgURLstring;
  • Then, this newly created userImgUrl is injected into context to feed the app provider
   // Create context to feed into provider             ⬇
  const context = { user, login, logout, authReady, userImgUrl};

return (
    <AppContext.Provider value={context}>
  • Create an <AvatarGenerator /> component to dynamically render userImgUrl in the global context above:
import react, { useContext } from "react";
import AppContext from '../../store/AppContext';

function AvatarGenerator() {
  const { userImgUrl } = useContext(AppContext);
  return (
      className="rounded-full w-12 h-auto shadow-lg  border-transparent border-4"

export default AvatarGenerator;

... Now, the AppContext has all the parts for building a colorful page 🌈

Building <Home /> 🏠 component

Technically, it's the primary container for the app to implement dynamic routing using React Router.

A quick Sketch:


There are two main Routes to render different interfaces

  1. User Profile : For all details connected to current user (e.g., Uploaded Art, Liked Art, Avatar, User Name.)
  2. Arts: is the parent component for the children elements that get rendered base on the path in React Routing(e.g., CreateArt, Search, ArtDetail, FeedArts..)

Below is the walk-through⌨:

  • Install React Router dependencies at frontend root: npm install react-router-dom@6
  • Create a new folder named "container" and a new Home.jsx inside.
  • Import { Link, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom'
  • Import other child components (from ./components) and SVG-Icons (from./assets)
  • Pull the { user, userImgUrl } from AppContext that was built previously

  • Pass the {user} prop to <Sidebar /> ( to be built in later steps) Sidebar Temp.jpg

  • Add a responsive design for small device. This will toggle between full SideBar and Hamburger Menu depending on the screen size . 👉 WindiCSS Resposive Design has great document for breakpoints, and utility classes


  • Finally, specify the URL that corresponds to two main components: <UserProfile/> and <Arts /> RoutesRender.jpg

Building <Arts/> component

This is the parent component that renders children elements base on React Routing logic. It takes the {user} object from the parent (<Home/> component) then pass it to child elements (<CreateArt /> and <ArtDetail />)

  • In the containers folder, create a new Art.jsx file.
  • Import { useState } hook from React and { Routes, Route } from react-router-dom.
  • Create a state variable [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] for passing state between 'sibling' components (<NavBar/> and <Search/>)
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

const Arts = ({ user }) => {
  const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('');

  return (
    <div className="px-2 md:px-5">
      <div className="bg-gray-50">
        <Navbar searchTerm={searchTerm} setSearchTerm={setSearchTerm} user={user && user} />
      <div className="h-full">
         // These components will be built in later steps
          <Route path="/" element={<Feed />} />
          <Route path="/category/:categoryId" element={<Feed />} />
          <Route path="/art-detail/:artId" element={<ArtDetail user={user && user} />} />
          <Route path="/create-art" element={<CreateArt user={user && user} />} />
          <Route path="/search" element={<Search searchTerm={searchTerm} setSearchTerm={setSearchTerm} />} />

export default Arts;

Build with

At this point, to serve the frontend React app, it is necessary to set up database/backend on the CMS (Content Management System) : Sanity.png These are two great reference guides:

  1. Create a Single Page Application with React and Sanity
  2. Headless CMS with Sanity

Setting up Sanity:

  • To start a new project with Sanity, we'll need to install the Sanity CLI globally by running npm install -g @sanity/cli
  • Exit out of the Frontend directory. Create a separate folder for Sanity (I named it CMS) CMS folder.jpg
  • Initiate Sanity Project inside the CMS folder by cd CMS and sanity init Sanity Init.jpg
  • The above command will walk you through some steps to create / login to an account, creating a project, set up the dataset, and generate files needed to run the editing environment locally. SanityStudio.jpg
  • Start the development server for Sanity Studio, by running sanity start SanityStart.gifThis builds the initial JavaScript code required to run the studio, and starts a local web server. As you modify and save the code, the server will automatically rebuild the studio and refresh the browser.
  • Open another terminal in code editor
  • Create an API token and save it for frontend environment variable by running sanity manage SAnManage.jpg This will take you to Sanity login and then the project admin page. Sanity Manage.jpg Make sure the token is saved and do NOT expose it to frontend React. It should be stored in a .env and called with a import.meta variable.

Setting up Art schema

Every uploaded file from frontend is a piece of art and it is stored in Sanity Platform

  • Create a new schema art.js inside the CMS/schemas folder
  • Define the data fields for .art.js

    export default {
    name: 'art',
    title: 'Art',
    type: 'document',
    fields: [
        name: 'title',
        title: 'Title',
        type: 'string',
        name: 'about',
        title: 'About',
        type: 'string',
        name: 'category',
        title: 'Category',
        type: 'string',
        name: 'image',
        title: 'Image',
        type: 'image',
        options: {
          hotspot: true, //⬅ set the automatic crop area in an image
        name: 'userId',
        title: 'UserId',
        type: 'string',
        name: 'postedBy',
        title: 'PostedBy',
        type: 'postedBy',
        name: 'save',
        title: 'Save',
        type: 'array',
        of: [{ type: 'save' }],
        name: 'comments',
        title: 'Comments',
        type: 'array',
        of: [{ type: 'comment' }],

Setting up User schema

Even though Authentication is handled entirely at the frontend by Netlify Identity, the intent of storing users' detail is to link them with their uploaded arts, comments and number of likes.

👉Content modeling in Sanity is a great guide for schema customization.

  • Create a new schema user.js inside the CMS/schemas folder
  • Define the data fields for .user.js
    export default {
    name: 'user',
    title: 'User',
    type: 'document',
    fields: [
        name: 'userName',
        title: 'UserName',
        type: 'string',
        name: 'image',
        title: 'Image',
        type: 'string',

Setting up PostedBy schema

  • Create a new schema postedBy.js inside the CMS/schemas folder
  • Define the data fields for .postedBy.js(This schema will be linked to user to record the 'ownership')
    export default {
    name: 'postedBy',
    title: 'PostedBy',
    //  ⇩ A reference is a way to point to another document which is 'user' schema
    type: 'reference',
    to: [{ type: 'user' }],

Setting up comment and save schemas

Apply the same process above, these two schemas can be set up easily by defining correct data fields inside each file. The detail is in my Repo Here

At this point, Sanity is ready to store and manage all assets sent from frontend. Connecting Sanity with React and Building components for uploading and fetching are the next challenges 🧩

Connect Sanity with React frontend

  • Login to and locate CORS origins under API tab
  • Click ➕ Add CORS origin then add https://localhost:3000/ and Netlify deployed url


Setting up Sanity Client and Image-Url builder at frontend

A step-by-step guide can be found on 👉@sanity/client and @sanity/image-url

  • Back to the frontend root folder, install Sanity Client and Image-Url builder by running npm install -g @sanity/client @sanity/image-url

  • Install dotenv package to store environment variable (apiKey, Token, id...) by running npm i dotenv

  • At the frontend root, create a .env and store below important keys


  • In the src folder create a client.jsx file following codes
import sanityClient from '@sanity/client';
import imageUrlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url';

export const client = sanityClient({
  projectId: import.meta.env.VITE_SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
  dataset: 'production',
  apiVersion: '2021-11-16',
  useCdn: false, // `false` if you want to ensure fresh data
  token: import.meta.env.VITE_SANITY_TOKEN,

// Quickly generate image urls from Sanity image records.
const builder = imageUrlBuilder(client);
export const urlFor = (source) => builder.image(source);

Note: the projectId and token are protected by dotenv package 🔐 At this point, React frontend can interact with Sanity by calling methods from client such as client.create(doc), client.fetch(queryName) , client.patch( and client.delete(, very similar to CRUD operations for Restful API.

Setting up Sanity Queries

Sanity takes querying on JSON data one step further by introducing GROQ (Graph-Relational Object Queries), a declarative language designed to query collections of largely schema-less JSON documents. Please check out this extensive docs from Query Language (GROQ)

  • Under src, create a new folder name utils with a new data.js file in it to store all the Queries

  • Set up query to create a new art for user to upload an Artwork and record userId as the art owner

export const userCreatedArtsQuery = (userId) => {
  const query = `*[ _type == 'art' && userId == '${userId}'] | order(_createdAt desc){
    image{  asset->{ url }  },
    postedBy->{  _id,  userName,  image },
    save[]{  postedBy->{  _id,  userName,  image  }  },
  return query;
  • Details of other queries for Save Art, Search Art, Delete Art, Fetch Art Detail... can be found in My Repo.
  • In addition to the queries, an array of Art Categories objects were added to data.js for rendering in the <SideBar />

Save the logged in user detail into Sanity

With the client and Queries ready to run, details from the logged in user can be saved in Sanity

  • Back to the <Home /> component, import { client } from '../client';
  • Get the {user} and {userImgUrl} from AppContext
  • CreateuseEffect to run every time a new user is logged in
const { user, userImgUrl } = useContext(AppContext)

  useEffect(async () => {

    if (user) {
      // ⇩ create this obj to store in Sanity
      const newUserInfo = {
        _type: 'user',
        userName: user.user_metadata.full_name,
        image: userImgUrl,

      try {
        // this is a pre-set ⬇⬇ method  from Sanity client
        await client.createIfNotExists(newUserInfo);

      } catch (error) {
        console.log('error creating NewUSer', error)
  }, [user]);

Note: all the methods call from client are asynchronous. Therefore async...await.. should be used in conjunction with try...catch... block

Build <CreateArt />🖌 component for uploading Art to Sanity

When user click Add Art button this component is rendered. It has a file uploader📤 and an input form 📜 to enter detail about this artwork, a cancel button ⏏ to abort this uploading and a save button 💾 to confirm sending file to Sanity.

  • Create a CreateArt.jsx file inside the components folder
  • Import useState and useContext hooks from React
  • To interact with Sanity, import {client}
  • Import {categories} from data.js and related svg Icons from assets for building input form when user uploading art.
  • Import {useNavigate} hook from react-router-dom. Once uploading is completed, the page will be routed to home to display new arts
  • Create uploadImage function

    const uploadImage = async (e) => {
      const selectedFile =[0];
      // uploading asset to sanity
      const imgTypes = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff', 'image/webp'];
      // Validate file type with above imagesType array
      if (imgTypes.indexOf(selectedFile.type) !== -1) {
        try {
          let document = await client.assets
            .upload('image', selectedFile,
                contentType: selectedFile.type,
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("error form uploading IMG", error);
          console.log('Upload failed:', error.message);
      } else {
          () => {
          }, 2000

    File type was limited to image only . Therefore, an image types array was set and Array.indexOf() was used to validation.

  • Create saveArt function to save the newly uploaded art into Sanity
const saveArt = async () => {
    //  ⬇ Ensure all fields are entered for Art detail
    if (title && about && imageAsset?._id && category) {
      const doc = {
        _type: 'art',
        image: {
          _type: 'image',
          asset: {
            _type: 'reference',
            _ref: imageAsset?._id,
        postedBy: {
          _type: 'postedBy',
      try {
        //⬇ Save Art into Sanity 
        await client.create(doc);
      } catch (error) {
    } else {
      // Reset fields in the input form
        () => {
        }, 2000
  • In the return body of this component, the form, input fields and uploader were built by applying WindiCSS utility classes and components (e.g., button, select, input, label...)

CreateArt.jpg Detail in My repo

Build <Art /> 🎭 component

Each picture displayed on the page is an <Art/> component that get rendered from Sanity fetched data . When client.fetch(queryName) is called, Sanity returns an array of art objects.

This array is then mapped to render the <Art/> component with unique id that can be passed on different functions (e.g., Save, Click Like, Delete). Features included in this component are: Like Art, Download Art, Delete Art(if logged in as art's owner)

Below is the walk-through⌨:

  • Create a new Art.jsx file inside components folder
  • In the terminal, run npm install uuid. This is a Universally Unique IDentifier generator. It's a very handy tool for any application needing a random but unique ID.
  • In the Art.jsx, import { useState, useContext, useEffect } hooks from React
  • To use uuid for unique ID, import { v4 as uuidv4 } from uuid
  • Import { client, urlFor } from client.jsx for calling various methods (e.g., client.delete(),, client.patch() ).
  • Import related svg Icons from assets
  • Create deleteArt function for art owners to delete their uploaded items
  const deleteArt = async (id) => {
    try {
      await client.delete(id);
    } catch (error) {
  • Create saveArt function to record number of clicked "Like" 👍
const saveArt = async (id) => {

    // Only update Sanity when "like" has NOT been clicked
    if (!likeClicked ) {
      try {
        setLocalLikes(localLikes + 1); // update localLikes number to render while waiting renturn form async function
        await  // ⇩ Update doc in sanaity database 
            .setIfMissing({ save: [] })
            .insert('after', 'save[-1]', [{
              _key: uuidv4(),
              userId: user?.id,
              postedBy: {
                _type: 'postedBy',
                _ref: user?.id,

      } catch (error) {
  • In the return body, display art picture using urlFor from client.jsx that imported previously.
{!isLoading && 
<img className="rounded-lg w-full " 
alt="user-post" />
  • Add a Download button
<div className="flex gap-2">
      onClick={(e) => {
      className="bg-white w-9 h-9 p-2 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center 
      text-dark text-xl opacity-75 hover:opacity-100 hover:shadow-md outline-none">
             <DownloadIcon />
  • Add Like button. If user has clicked Like, it will display total likes for this art so user can only like once. If NOT, it will show a Thumbs-up Icon.


More Detail in Art Component

Build <MasonryLayout/>📱component

  • Create a new MausonryLayout.jsx file inside components folder
  • In the terminal, run npm i react-masonry-css. This is an awesome CSS tool to render images with different dimensions. It is a React Component with simple interface to organize items into the desired columns at specified breakpoints.
  • Import Masonry from react-masonry-css

  • Import <Art/> component

  • Set upbreakpointColumnsObj follow this 👉 MasonryCSS Responsive Guide.

  • This components will receive Arts props from fetched Sanity JSON.
  • This is what the codes look like
import React from 'react';
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css';
import Art from './Art';

const breakpointColumnsObj = {
     default: 4,
     3000: 6,
     2000: 5,
     1200: 3,
     1000: 2,
     500: 1,
// Fetched data from Sanity ⬇⬇
const MasonryLayout = ({ arts }) => (
  <Masonry className="flex animate-slide-fwd" breakpointCols={breakpointColumnsObj}>
    {arts?.map((art) => <Art key={art._id} art={art} className="w-max" />)}

export default MasonryLayout;

Build <Feed /> 🔭component

This component will fetch data from Sanity with queries (pre-defined in /utils/data.js) and the returned JSON is fed to the Arts display


  • Create a new Feed.jsx file inside components folder
  • Import { useState, useEffect, useContext } hooks from React.
  • Import { allArtsQuery, searchQuery } that were defined in /utiils/data.js
  • Import { client } from client.jsx
  • Import MasonryLayout that created above.
  • Import related svg Icons from assets
  • To get the parameter from current Route (page's url), import { useParams } hook from react-router-dom
  • Set state for Arts and Loading (Fetching is always asynchronous ⏳. When it is loading, a spinner is rendered!)
if (loading) {
    return (
      <Spinner message={`...loading art works`} />
  • Create fetchArts function which takes one parameter: queryName.

const fetchArts = async(queryName) => {
    const data = await client.fetch(queryName);
  • Create a useEffect to fire up the fetch when parameter change
 useEffect(async () => {
    let cancelAsync = false;

    if (cancelAsync) return;

    // Fetch allArt or by Categories ⬇
    (!categoryId) ? fetchArts(allArtsQuery) : fetchArts(categoryQuery)

    // ⬇ clean-up function
    return () => { 
      cancelAsync = true;

  }, [categoryId, triggerRender]);
  • In the return body, new state of Arts is passed to <MasonryLayout /> component to render an orderly images grid
  return (
      {arts && (
        <MasonryLayout arts={arts} />

More Detail in Feed Component

Build <ArtDetail/> 🖼 component

This component renders a large image and display all details related to the specific Art (e.g., Comments, User's data, Art description, PostedBy) .User can add comment in this view.

  • Create a new ArtDetail.jsx file inside components folder
  • Similar to the process of building components above, at the top of Artdetail.jsx, import { useEffect, useState }, { Link, useParams }, { client, urlFor }, MasonryLayout.
  • Import { artDetailMoreArtQuery, artDetailQuery } from './utils/data. These are two pre-defined queries for fetching art's detail from Sanity.
  • De-structure {artId} from the useParams hook.


  • Apply useState for elements that used in this components
const ArtDetail = ({ user }) => {
  const { artId } = useParams();
  const [arts, setArts] = useState();
  const [artDetail, setArtDetail] = useState();
  const [comment, setComment] = useState('');
  const [addingComment, setAddingComment] = useState(false);
  • Create a fetchArtDetails function to dynamically update query string with {artId and a callback function setArtWithQuery to fetch all detail.
// callback to be invoked in below try-catch
  const setArtWithQuery = async (queries) => {
    const artQuery = artDetailMoreArtQuery(queries);
    try {
      let result = await client.fetch(artQuery);
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("error in etArtWithQuery", error);
  const fetchArtDetails =async () => {
    const query = artDetailQuery(artId);
    if (query) {
      try {
        let data = await client.fetch(`${query}`);
        if (data[0]) {
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("error fetchingQUERY", error);
  • Create useEffect to call fetchArtDetails when{artId} changes.
 useEffect(() => {
  }, [artId]);
  • Create addComment function to add/update user comment to Sanity. Reference for this complex syntax can be found here 👉Patch/update a document

  • Use Async...await... in conjuction with try...catch... block to handle this asynchronous task

const addComment = async () => {
    if (comment) {
      try {
        await client
          .setIfMissing({ comments: [] })
          .insert('after', 'comments[-1]', [{ comment, _key: uuidv4(), postedBy: { _type: 'postedBy', _ref: } }])
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("error addComment", error);
  • In the return body, art picture is rendered with larger size and detail section for Title, About (description when creating art).
  • Comments array from fetched art detail is rendered by ) methods
  • The new comment input field is built with html <textarea> tag whose dimensions are user-adjustable.
   className="rounded-t-3xl rounded-b-lg max-h-xl"
   src={(artDetail?.image && artDetail.image.asset.url)}
   alt="user-post " 
   <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold break-words mt-3">
   <p className="mt-3">{artDetail.about}</p>
<Link to={`/user-profile/${artDetail?.postedBy._id}`} className="inline-flex gap-2 mt-5 items-center bg-white rounded-lg ">
  Posted by: <img 
               className="w-10 h-10 rounded-full"
  <p className="font-bold"> {artDetail?.postedBy.userName}</p>
<h2 className="mt-5 text-2xl">Comments</h2>
// Map the comments array ⬇
<div className="max-h-370 overflow-y-auto">
   {artDetail?.comments?.map((item) => (
              <div className="flex gap-2 mt-5 items-center bg-white rounded-lg" key={item.comment}>
                  className="w-10 h-10 rounded-full cursor-pointer"
                <div className="flex flex-col">
                  <p className="font-bold">{item.postedBy?.userName}</p>

More Detail in ArtDetail

Build <Search/> 🔎 component

This component is rendered when searching arts base on the Categories or keywords. SearchTerm is passed from parent component, the <NavBar /> which is a simple component that has only three routing elements:⬇. Codes for NavBar NavBar.jpg

  • Create a new Search.jsx file inside components folder
  • Similar to the process of building components above, at the top of the file, import { useEffect, useState }, { client }, MasonryLayout.
  • Import { allArtsQuery, searchQuery } from utils/data.js
  • Create useEffect to call client.fetch( ) with searchTerm query or allArtsQuery (when no searchTerm is provided)
 useEffect(async () => {
    if (searchTerm !== '') {
      try {
        // from utils/data.js ⬇
        const query = searchQuery(searchTerm.toLowerCase());
        let data = await client.fetch(query);
      } catch (error) {
    } else {
      let data = await client.fetch(allArtsQuery)
  }, [searchTerm]);
  • In the return body, when Arts contain valid objects, <MasonryLayout/> is rendered . If not, render a message inside a div tag
 return (
      {loading && <Spinner message="Searching artworks" />}
      {arts?.length !== 0 && <MasonryLayout arts={arts} />}
      {arts?.length === 0 && searchTerm !== '' && !loading && (
        <div className="mt-10 text-center text-xl ">No arts found, do you wanna add one?</div>

Build <SideBar/> 🗄 component

This component will render the Categories array in utils/data.js and map each item into a <NavLink> that user can navigate to the specific Category view. It takes the {closeToggle} prop from the parent <Home/> component to toggle CSS classes for responsive view. Please check out classes usage and breakpoint variant in this WindiCSS doc

  • Create a new SideBar.jsx file inside components folder
  • Similar to the process of building components above, at the top of SideBar.jsx, import { useState } from React, { Link, NavLink} from react-router-dom.
  • Import { categories } from utils/data.js
  • To toggle between active and inactive for each Category, create two string type constants that contain CSS classesActiveINactive2.gif
const isNotActiveStyle = 'flex items-center px-5 gap-3 text-gray-500 hover:text-black transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out capitalize';
const isActiveStyle = 'flex items-center px-5 gap-3 font-extrabold transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out capitalize';
  • Create handleCloseSidebar function to toggle between hide and show
    const handleCloseSidebar = () => {
      if (closeToggle) closeToggle(false);
  • Use method to render a <NavLink/> for eachCategory`.
     className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? isActiveStyle : isNotActiveStyle)}
     <img src={category.image} className="w-8 h-8 rounded-full shadow-sm" />
  • Import {user} object from AppContext
  • Create a button-like <Link /> for routing the page to <UserProfile />
const { user } = useContext(AppContext);
{user && (
     className="flex my-5 mb-3 gap-2 p-1 items-center bg-gradient-to-r from-green-400 to-blue-500 hover:from-pink-500 hover:to-yellow-500 rounded-lg shadow-lg mx-3"
     <AvatarGenerator />
     <RightArrow style={{ maxHeight: "1.75rem" }} />

More Detail in SideBar

Build <UserProfile/> 👩‍💻 component

This component is rendered when the App is routed to path="/user-profile/:userId"

  • Create a new UserProfile.jsx file inside components folder
  • Similar to the process of building components above, at the top of UserProfile.jsx, import { useEffect, useState} from React, <MasonryLayout /> component, { useParams, useNavigate } from react-router-dom.
  • Import { userCreatedArtsQuery, userSavedArtsQuery } from ../utils/data. These are two pre-defined quries for fetching arts that user created and liked.
  • Import related svg Icons from assets.
  • De-structure {userId} from the useParams( ) hook.

  • To toggle between Created Arts and Liked Arts button, create two string type constants that contain CSS classes

    const activeBtnStyles = 'bg-yellow-600 text-white font-bold p-2 rounded-xl w-20 outline-none';
    const notActiveBtnStyles = 'bg-primary mr-4 text-indigo-900 font-bold p-2 rounded-xl w-20 outline-none';
  • Set state variables:

    const { user, logout } = useContext(AppContext)
    const [arts, setArts] = useState();
    const [text, setText] = useState('Created');
    const [activeBtn, setActiveBtn] = useState('created');
    const navigate = useNavigate();
    const { userId } = useParams();
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
  • Create a useEffect to call the asynchronous client.fetch(queyName)

    useEffect(async () => {
      try {
        if (text === 'Created') {
          const createdArtsQuery = userCreatedArtsQuery(userId);
          let data = await client.fetch(createdArtsQuery);
        } else {
          const savedArtsQuery = userSavedArtsQuery(userId);
          let data = await client.fetch(savedArtsQuery);
      } catch (error) {
    }, [text, userId]);
  • Render user detail with a banner, avatar and user name
    <div className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center">
    // Background banner ⬇ from Unsplash 
       className=" w-full h-40 2xl:h-70 shadow-lg object-cover"
     <AvatarGenerator />
    <h1 className="font-bold text-3xl text-indigo-900 text-shadow-lg text-center mt-3">
  • Render an Exit Icon for loggin out user
    <div className="absolute top-0 z-1 right-0 p-2">
      <ExitIcon onClick={() => {
      className="px-1 py-1 border border-yellow-500 hover:cursor-pointer hover:bg-yellow-500 rounded-xl float-right" />
  • Render Created and Liked buttons with toggle classNames. These two buttons will set the text that controls fetch query in the useEffect.
          <div className="text-center mb-7">
              onClick={(e) => {
              className={`${activeBtn === 'created' ? activeBtnStyles : notActiveBtnStyles}`}
              onClick={(e) => {
              className={`${activeBtn === 'liked' ? activeBtnStyles : notActiveBtnStyles}`}
  • Render the fetched result from useEffect

    <div className="px-2">
        {loading && (
          <Spinner message={`Loading ${user.user_metadata.full_name}'s  art works`} />
        <MasonryLayout arts={arts} />
      {arts?.length === 0 && (
        <div className="flex justify-center font-bold items-center w-full text-1xl mt-2">
          Nothing to show..yet !

Deploy the App with Netlify

Netlify is a modern CI/CD infrastructure for frontend. It is pre-configured and fully automated that whenever codes get pushed to Github it trigger a deployment

  • Since this app was deployed previously by connecting to Github repo, when merging branches , Netlify will run tests and deploy the updated version


  • When a new commit get pushed to the repo, Netlify automatically deploy the new update Deply.gif

UI upgrade

Add ParticleJS and React Text Transition in <AuthUser /> component for better visual effect

  • In the frontend root, run npm i react-tsparticles react-text-transition
  • Create a new file ParticleBG.jsx inside the component folder.
  • Copy the <Particles /> from ParticleTS Code and paste it into the return of ParticleBG.jsx
  • Back to the AuthUser.jsx, import these two components
import TextTransition, { presets } from "react-text-transition";
import ParticleBG from './ParticleBG';
  • Set a constant for array of strings
const TEXTS = [
  "capture our visual journal",
  "record our digital art",
  "share some imagination",
  "make great memorie"
  • Create state variable for Text Index and useEffect to call the Index increase
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(() =>
      setIndex(index => index + 1),

    return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
  }, []);
  • In the return body , render these two components
    <div className="flex justify-start items-center flex-col h-screen ">
      {/*⇩ kids would love to play with this colorful thingy! */}
      <ParticleBG />
      <div className="relative w-full h-full ">
        <div className="absolute flex flex-col justify-center items-center top-0 right-0 left-0 bottom-0 bg-blackOverlay">
          <div className="p-5">
            <AppLogo size={250} />
          <section className='mx-4 md:text-3xl lg:text-5xl font-600 text-shadow-sm  text-stroke-sm mb-8 flex'>
            <div style={{ color: "#E9E1B6" }}>Let's...</div>
           // ⬇ Animation start
              text={TEXTS[index % TEXTS.length]}
              className='text-yellow-500 '
            /><span className='text-red-500'>s</span>
          <div className="shadow-2xl ">
            <button type="button" className="py-2 px-4  bg-gray-500/50 hover:bg-indigo-700 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-indigo-200 text-white w-full transition ease-in duration-200 font-semibold shadow-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2  rounded-lg " onClick={login}>
              <LoginIcon />
          <div className="shadow-2xl">
  • Commit then push to Github to trigger Netlify deployment


Try it out

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this post. I am sure there will be some missing points. I should have budgeted more time for writing this very first post 😩.

Your comments, feedbacks, either side of the spectrum, are highly appreciated. Learning journey never end for me. Thank-you!

Again thanks to @Netlify and @Hashnode for this amazing learning opportunity

You can reach me at LinkedIn or Twitter or Say Hello